Our Themes - Prosveta's Posts
The Teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is very large: all aspects of individual and collective life, societal and philosophical reflections, daily practices and spiritual methods useful for our interior development and more, are covered in his lectures. This page is a library of posts from which you can discover or deepen your knowledge of this teaching.
Life at the centre of everything
Living with light
Expand our consciousness
Methods to transform oursleves
Know the degrees of love
From family to universal brotherhood
Womens role for the future of humanity
The art that takes us to the summits
Access to peace and happiness
Conquer your destiny
Initiatic science awakens man to his spirituality
Nature, humnaity and the cosmos: vital links to preserve
Two trees of Paradise
The Tree of Life represents the unity of life, above good and evil. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents a polarised world.
Fire and Water
What is more beautiful, more poetic or more full of meaning than water and fire, and the different forms in which they appear to us?
Tune into Universal Harmony
Meditate on harmony, love it, long for it so as to introduce it into your every gesture, every look, every word.
A new year, a new dawn, a new beginning...
The Universal White Brotherhood ceaselessly emits currents of unity and brotherhood, and one day those who are already tuned into ...
Surya Yoga
When we focus our attention on the sun, the center of our universe, we draw closer to our own centre, our higher self, the sun within..
Aspects of esoteric science
One day, when all the useless sciences have disappeared, the science of light will remain.
Aquarius, Herald of the Golden Age
The age of Aquarius will soon be upon us ...
Walk While You Have the Light post
Keep walking the path of light. And what will be at the end of the path? You will find out when you arrive, and you will be dazzled.
Cosmic Creation new
There are two fundamental principles in the universe and these are reflected in all of nature and all of life.
Giving thanks - the source of light and joy
If you want to experience spontaneous joy that brings flavour colour and light to your life, learn to give thanks.
As you sow so shall you reap
Farmers were the first moral philosophers; they do not expect to reap if they have not sown.
Breathing for harmony and health
Get into the habit of taking a few deep breaths, several times a day, whilst placing your left hand flat on your solar plexus and ...
The benefit of the emanations of spiritual beings
How is it possible for anyone to fail to realise that pollution is not only a physical problem? The emanations of spiritual beings are...
The birth of the divine child
During most of the year nature is intensely active, but with the approach of winter most of this work stops. It is time to meditate...
Bringing Symbols to Life
'If we want to be able to pick up the spiritual energies passing through the atmosphere and make them circulate, we must install channels...
Spiritual Alchemy
If a tree is capable of transforming the raw mineral nutrients it draws from the soil into the sugarsap which enables it to produce flowers
Sacred fire of the Sun
The sun is living fire, and it is by going to see the sun rise every morning that we renew our contact with this fire from heaven...