A New Year, a new dawn, a new beginning.

"The Universal White Brotherhood ceaselessly emits currents of unity and brotherhood, and one day those who are already tuned into these currents are finally going to make up their minds to do something about it. This will be the brightest day in the history of human kind. Think of the tremendous changes that will be possible once the whole world becomes a single family."
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Henceforth, try to change your mental habits, to adopt a broader point of view; try to become more aware of being part of the cosmos.
The mountain represents the great difficulties of life that faith alone allows us to move, that is to say to resolve.
The sun exists within each one of us and, if allowed to, can manifest its presence in our consciousness.
Every ideal, whatever it may be, has a magical quality: it is linked to us, and it transmits something of its very quintessence.
On eating the food, the spirit impregnates our own matter which it transforms, enlightens and regenerates.