Daily Meditation: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Peace - savouring it by putting a stop to all our little sorrows

Decide once and for all to put a stop to all the little sorrows, troubles and annoyances that poison your everyday life. Then you will at last begin to savour peace and freedom. Observe yourself, and you will see that your life is made difficult not because of great misfortune and calamities, which are not daily occurrences, but because you make mountains from the molehills of a few little irritations or setbacks. This is what can upset or cripple your whole inner life.*

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See also Love Greater Than Faith, chapter V

a solar word

The universal message of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900 – 1986) is in line with the great sages and Masters of humanity. In his teaching, he explains the great laws of life by providing many methods of application, leading to a better understanding of oneself.

“Through my teaching, I wish to give you essential notions about the human being: how he is built, his relationship with nature, the exchanges he must make with the universe, in order to drink from the sources of divine life. …ˮ

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