Cosmic Creation
- union of the Masculine and Feminine.
“There are two fundamental principles in the universe and these are reflected in all of nature and all of life. All creation is the work of the two principles, the masculine and the feminine, which are a reflection, a repetition of the two cosmic creative principles, known as the heavenly Father and the divine Mother... In order to bear fruit, these two principles must of necessicty; separately they are unproductive. That is why they are always for each other."
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov extract from 'Cosmic Creation'
formerly published as 'Hope for the World:Spiritual Galvanoplasty'
There are two fundamental principles in the universe which are reflected in every single manifestation of nature and of life:..
Ultimately, it is by example that parents and pedagogues should accomplish their educational mission with children.
Sexual energy is like petrol: if you are ignorant and use it carelessly you will burn yourself; your very quintessence will be destroyed.
'Throughout her pregnancy, a mother must try to create an atmosphere of purity and light around her child, so that she can work in …
'A seed is nothing other than a living being who ceaselessly calls upon the forces and materials of the Cosmos so as to be able to …