
Result: 'Friendship' (3)

Special attention should be given to handshakes, kisses or any other expression of friendship when meeting another person. Otherwise, it is not only pointless but even harmful, as this form of unawareness in human relationships has negative effects ...
Suppose two people decide to marry or form a partnership: are they concerned about whether their affinity extends to the realm of ideas?* No, they are drawn to each other and that is enough, they look no further.Well, a mutual attraction and liking ...
It is true that nothing is more precious than friendship,* but human beings are not always interested in having a true friend; what they are looking for is an ally, someone who will approve and encourage them, even when they behave badly. Do you ...
Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
word1word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.