Precious stones, foundations of our inner sanctuary

Precious stones, foundations of our inner sanctuary


Full color illustrated bilingual wall Calendar: French-English. Format 29,7 x 21 cm (A4 closed) and 29,7 x 42 cm (A3 open). Finish 200 g Coated paper paper. EAN 3292492022012

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'Precious stones are of the earth, but earth that has been transformed, organised and sublimated. They represent the end of long work carried out by the intelligence of nature on raw matter… as if they wished not only to reflect, but also to manifest the light and splendour of Heaven.'

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Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
word1word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.