
Result: 'Faith' (38)

Most people readily admit that in order to succeed in the material world, you must be committed and work without cutting corners. But in the spiritual realm they imagine they can obtain results easily and quickly. What a mistake! In the spiritual ...
If a person has no faith in good, they risk losing whatever qualities or faculties they possess. Why? Because without faith in good, the best qualities and faculties have no solid foundations and all kinds of consequences automatically arise: their ...
Why is believing in God so obvious to some people and to others an illusion or an absurdity? The explanation is simple: at birth each human being comes to earth with the sum of experiences they have lived in their previous incarnations. If someone ...
A spiritual master is a being who possesses great psychic powers, but these powers do not allow him to act at all times, in every location, under any circumstances, and with just anyone. A verse of the Gospels says that, when passing through ...
...mselves. One day everyone should be able to say, ‘Now I must sow seeds in my soul – luminous thoughts, the love of a high ideal – and I shall continue to watch over them, to warm them, water them, and nourish them with all that is best in me. I...
We meet people who claim to be atheists, and yet they say they envy those who have faith. But this is as far as they go. They behave as if having or not having faith has absolutely nothing to do with them, as if faith were a gift we either receive ...
Seeking to excuse their tactlessness, mistakes, and failures, people will say, ‘But I believed this or that...' Ah yes, they believed, they believed... but their believing has only served to lead them astray. And what is worse, these ‘believers' ...
One day Jesus reproached his disciples for their disbelief, saying, ‘If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ""Move from here to there"", and it will move.' Those who read this verse are so struck by the enormous ...
Hope, faith and love are three virtues that correspond respectively to form, contents, and meaning. Hope is linked to the form, faith, to the contents, and love to the meaning. The form preserves the contents. The contents bring force, but force has ...
To have faith means having experiences every day that allow us to sense the reality of the divine world. For faith too must be fed. It is fed as we become conscious of the riches God has placed in everything around us – in the earth, water, air and ...
Whether or not they have a religion, those who act towards others with kindness, understanding, patience and generosity show their faith in a higher principle that dictates their behaviour, and heaven accords them its help and protection. Believers, ...
Faith is said to work miracles. Why? Because to have faith is to open a door within oneself to spiritual forces. Whatever you undertake from your own capacities and willpower obeys a natural mechanism and is therefore subject to the law of cause and ...
As far as many of our contemporaries are concerned, faith is a matter only for those who are ignorant, naive or even a bit slow. They are convinced that for humanity to evolve it must abandon all so-called irrational beliefs imposed by religions. ...
Faith and belief are often confused, yet they are two different things. A man buys a lottery ticket; he thinks he is going to win the jackpot, and it makes him very happy for a while, until the day he discovers he hasn't won a thing. That is belief. ...
Faith is not an irrational feeling; it is based on the experiences we had during our past incarnations, which have been inscribed in our soul. Yes, the origin of our faith lies in everything we studied, verified and experienced in our former lives. ...
The respect, admiration and veneration disciples have toward their teacher must serve, above all else, as a stimulus for their own work. Otherwise, their respect, admiration and veneration are a burden for him, and the disciples learn nothing.Some ...
You recite, ‘Lord, I love your wisdom, I have faith in your love, I trust in your power', but have you really looked into the meaning of this prayer? When you say to the Lord, ‘I love your wisdom', your love meets God's wisdom, and you attract it to ...
Jesus said to the 'woman sinner', who stood near him weeping and kissing his feet, 'Your faith has saved you'. But you should not imagine that belief is enough to merit salvation. That would be too easy; anyone can be a believer and continue to live ...
Faith is the result of efforts repeated day after day. It is a living thing which we must never separate from our daily life. We must understand this if we are to decipher the meaning of Jesus' words: ‘If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, ...
To have faith means to carry out experiments every day which allow us to feel the reality of the divine world. For faith, too, must be nourished. It is nourished progressively as we become conscious of the riches God has deposited in everything ...
Why did Jesus require faith from those who asked for healing? Because faith is a prerequisite: it opens the doors and windows within a human being, allowing currents of energy from other realms to enter him and to harmonize, purify and regenerate ...
...lf-seeking, mean and vindictive. Whereas others who describe themselves as non-believers express thoughts and feelings of great nobility. They conduct themselves with self- mastery, goodness, tolerance and selflessness. In the end, it is no lon...
The best image of God is the sun, dispenser of life, light and warmth. Only the life, light and warmth of the sun can give us a true idea of what power, wisdom and divine love really are. It is up to us now to enter into a relationship with this ...
By creating the conditions in which spirit can manifest itself, faith gives us the keys to realisation. We must believe in order to prepare the terrain, but in order for this faith to produce beneficial results, we must find the most appropriate ...
When yousee the contradictions that people who claim to be believers are struggling with, you have to question their understanding of faith. What can we do to help them? If they could simply be brought to admit that they were mistaken, that they do ...
Many people are convinced that faith is only for people who are uncultivated, naive or backward, and that these so-called irrational beliefs will be abandoned as humanity evolves. Well, they are mistaken: faith, on the contrary, is based on the ...
You must not confuse faith and belief. Unfortunately, the majority of those who claim to have faith make this mistake, because it is possible to have beliefs and even religious beliefs, and yet to lack real faith! So, what are the criteria? We can ...
We meet people who claim to be atheists, and yet they say they envy those who have faith. But this is as far as they go. They behave as if having or not having faith has absolutely nothing to do with them, as if faith were a gift that either does or ...
Most people readily admit that in order to succeed in the material world, you must be committed and work without cutting corners. But in the spiritual realm they imagine they can obtain results easily and quickly. What a mistake! First, you must set ...
At certain moments in their life believers, even many mystics, have felt as though God had abandoned them. As if it was God who changed towards them. Yes, it is them – they think – who are always steadfast, always unwavering in their faith and love, ...
Suppose a person tells you that they are Catholic – or Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, or Muslim. When you see how they behave, however, you realize that the religion they claim to belong to has no real impact on their life. It is no more than a ...
...uly help or enrich us unless we contribute an element of our own: our consciousness, our thoughts and feelings, and even more so, our respect and appreciation. This attitude engages elements from another dimension and of another force; they com...
Belonging to a religion does not prove you have faith. For it is your behaviour which alone proves faith. True faith is sustained by your love, your intelligence, and your willpower – qualities that must be shown through behaviour.To believe in God ...
...lieve, will always go hungry in some way or another. But if they sow just a few seeds – some thoughts, feelings and words inspired by disinterestedness, kindness and love – all the powers of heaven and earth, of rain and sun, will be at hand to...
What do faith, hope and love mean for most human beings? Some people might remember as children having heard in church about these three 'theological' virtues, meaning they relate to God. But all that is now far away and may not mean much to them ...
Hope, faith and love – these three virtues correspond respectively to form, content and meaning. Hope is linked to form, faith to content and love to meaning. It is the form that prepares and preserves the content. The content brings strength, and ...
True disciples are those who know that they need a master for only one reason: to stimulate and inspire them on the right path. And once they have found their master, they never doubt or oppose him, they never demand anything of him. Often, a master ...
When a sick person begged Jesus to heal him, why did Jesus ask, ‘Do you believe?' Because if you have faith, it means that you have opened a door through which spiritual forces can enter. Anything you do that involves only your own ability and your ...
Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
word1word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.